A report in the Brisbane Courier, 11 February 1899, has Mrs R R Davidson returning from Townsville to reside in Brisbane, presumably after R.R. Davidson's death. In the intervening years, the Courier shows that Mr and Mrs R R Davidson were socially active, especially in the Townsville area during the 1890s.
No burial sites in Brisbane have been found for Robert or Mary Catherine. It is possible that they are both buried in Townsville or thereabouts.
- Stuart Hastings Davidson (1875-1915) appears not to have married. In 1905, Stuart is living with his mother and brother at Prospect Terrace, Long Hill, occupation clerk. In 1908, he resided at Mayne Road, Bowen Hills, occupation accountant. He is still an accountant in 1913, living at Park Road, Milton, maybe with his mother and Henry at “Oakey”. Stuart Hastings Davidson was buried in Balmoral Cemetery on 16th October 1915. He shares a grave with Alan Geoffrey Davidson, buried 26th February 1919.
- Percy MacLean Davidson (1877-1877) died in infancy. He was interred in Toowong Cemetery on 30th January 1877. He shares a grave with Grace Muriel Davidson, buried 28th February 1880 and Caroline Wilkie, 27th January 1916.
- Henry Clement Davidson (1878-1943) married Norma Cicely Gray Phipps in 1916. In 1905, Henry is living with his mother and brother at Prospect Terrace, Long Hill, occupation clerk. He is still at Prospect Terrace, Ithaca in 1908, and is still a clerk. He is registered at Park Road, Milton, in 1913, possibly at the same address as his mother and brother Stuart, and is described as an insurance clerk.. In 1919, he and Norma are residing at Cleveland Road, Morningside; he is still a clerk. A change of occupation has occurred by 1925, and he is now a meat preserver, living at Racecourse and Kent Road, Ascot. In 1936 & 1937, he is back being a clerk, residing at Jane Street, Manly. In 1943, he and Norma are at Benalla Street, Manly. Henry Clement Davidson was buried in Balmoral Cemetery on 26th July 1943, aged 60(?) years. Norma Cicely Gray Davidson was interred in the same cemetery on 14th November 1955.
- Grace Muriel Davidson (1880-1880) died in infancy. She was interred in Toowong Cemetery on 28th February 1880. She shares a grave with Percy Maclean Davidson, buried 30th January 1877 and Caroline Wilkie, 27th January 1916.
- Edith Pryer Davidson (1886-1887) died in infancy. No grave location can be found in Brisbane.
- Alan Geoffrey Davidson (1887-1919) appears not to have married in Queensland. In 1913, he is residing at Park Road, Milton, a clerk. The 1919 roll places him with his sister and mother at Agnes Street, Morningside, occupation clerk. Alan Geoffrey Davidson was buried in Balmoral Cemetery on 26th February 1919. He shares a grave with Stuart Hastings Davidson, buried 16th October 1915.
- Phyllis Grace Davidson (1889-?) married George Haliford Barton Watson in 1919. The 1913 electoral roll shows her living with her mother at “Oakey”, Park Road, Milton, occupation clerk. In the 1919 electoral roll, she is residing with her mother at Agnes Street, Morningside, occupation nurse. Park Road, Yeerongpilly is the address for Phyllis and George in 1925; George is described as a public servant. The 1936 roll places them at 298 Agnes Street, Rockhampton; George is an agricultural bank inspector. The following year, and in 1943 and 1949, they are back at Park Road, Yeerongpilly, and George is again just a public servant. In 1949, a June Phyllis Barton is at the same address, a clerk, and we could assume that she is a daughter. 1954 sees them at the same place, with June Phyllis Barton, secretary, giving an address of 194 Park Road. Throughout this entire period, there are assorted Bartons also living in Park Road, Yeerongpilly, at a house named “Bonara”.

Mary Catherine TOWNSEND died in Brisbane on 24th January 1944. Her husband Robert Richard DAVIDSON was born in Brisbane on 24th April 1845 and died in Townsville, Brisbane, on 14th January 1899. He was the son of Robert DAVIDSON, born in England and died at sea "on his trip home", and Sophia Elisabthe HAWKINSON.
ReplyDeleteStuart Hastings DAVIDSON was born on 5th August 1875 and died on 15th October 1915.
ReplyDeletePercy MacLean DAVIDSON was born on 29th Decmber 1976.